Monday, October 24, 2011

Local fishing..

Went to check a out a local creek that I had a feeling  would be a bitch to get into. And it was. Once I finally worked my way down into the canyon I didn't see much life. Sweet little stream but it's dark with not very much light penetration. There were a few midges and a Caddis here and there. Big Caddis though. After an hour or two of hiling and hitting some really nice little holes I had nothing. One one of the last pockets before I had to figure out how to get out with out getting cvovered in Poison Oak I had a little bow come up and eat a dry. So, there is some trout there but I suspect not many. Think I'll leave the place alone and maybe check it in the spring and see if any fish move up from private property below. It's always cool to fish a new creek so it was worth it.

Yesterday I spent the day on Stripers. Fishing was solid but most were in the 18-20" ranger with only a handfull of fish above that. Really nice clean fat fish. Seriously a guy could catch a hundred a day but I think I like the chances on bigger fish other places give. Pretty good late afternoong topwater with Crease flies, which is also when I caught most of my better fish. Water was still in the high 60s low 70s and air temp was in the low 90s mid day. Not exactly Fall here yet! Quality fish are still hunkered down.

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