We are being blessed with some decent rain. God knows we need it. As soon as it stopped raining this morning, I went out and battled the wind for about five hours. If there had not been so many fish around I would have bailed. It was barely manageable and blowing about 30kts out of the south. High water had fish all over the flats so I hung in there and ended up with 7 landed to about 14lbs. Most were on the small side with 3 or 4 shots on teeners. Some areas had fish spawning and other places they were still in a late winter mode and agressive. Most fish came on a small white clouser.. These warm storms really trigger spawning activity but I wish they would hold off and strap on the pre spawn feed bag a little longer. Hit a Pike Minnow hole a week ago and caught a good number of nice ones swinging streamers. It was better than a skunk!
Hey Dave. Nice that we're getting some water, but we sure could use some white. See the 16 1/2 pound Rainbow at Pardee on opening day? Looked like a stocker by the tail.
Well hopefully these storms keep coming but I suspect it will be to little to late. Our 2013-24 snow pack is what it is unfortunately. I didn't see that fish from pardee. I used to spend a lot time there for smallies but it has been. Few years.
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