Saturday, April 27, 2013

First Carp on the fly

A friend and I hit some Carp water today so he could stick his first. Common Carp aren't that common in South Florida so this was a good chance to get out there. Over all kind of tough. They always get a little wierd around the moon but we still managed a pretty good number of fish considering we didn't get started till about 1:30.  Like always, and littereally from coast to coast, I always have a good time on the water with Paul. Maybe we can get a crack on some Stripers before he heads back east.


Carlos Rubio said...

Congratulations !!
gorgeous captures !!, here carp start to be near of the edge, but last cold days are cutting our intentions to go fishing !!
Today here in Segovia (Spain) is snowing a Little bit... last weeks the weather ... 18ÂșC... it´s crazy!!

testflycarpin said...

It is odd that although Florida is probably the best fly fishing state from a variety standpoint, they don't have many commons.

Gregg said...

So, the variety state may be Ca.! That was nice, good for your pal!


David Romanillos said...

Without words ...

Jorge said...

Wow! I bet he'll never forget his first carp on the fly...

David McKenzie said...

Thanks Carlos. Hopefully that cold and snow will break up and pull some carp shallow for you.

I adapt to S Fla fishing in a like a day Trevor! I couldn't live there year round but spent time fishing there has me wondering if I can pull off retiring there for atleast part of the year!

Brent Wilson said...

Nice work. Those are some beasts!