Since the area is damn beautiful we decided to hit one trail head that leads to a rreally nice secluded beach. It looked like a 4-5 mile loop on the map. About 30 minutes in we could here Elk and at one pint I could see a pretty good herd about 500yards away. I figured with the wind in my favore we could get pretty close and maybe get some decent shots.
Long story short. I was able to get about 100-125 yards from them. It looked like one mature Bull and half a dozen cows.He was working hard to keep them in check too. All at once, here come two more bulls over a ridge pushing 4 or 5 more cows and a couple of Calfs. The first Bull wasn't having it and they charged one another and hooked up. This went on and off for a while and I tried to creep in closer for some tight imnages and was busted by the old gaurd bull. Luckily he wasnt in the mood to take me out.
nice photo;and nice blog; congratulations
Great pictures of the elk! I see the one elk noticing you; good thing he didn't charge!
A brave man to get that close. Elk can get pretty nasty, especially during mating season. Good pictures though.
Good thing they did not perceive you as a threat. Nice photos.
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