Sunday, March 11, 2012


Spotted some goldfish cruising around the other day. Spent about an hour trying to get one to eat..Nada. Really spooky fish. Went back today and finally got one to eat. Ended up having to hang the fly off an indicator and just dead stick it.  No movement at all was the trick. Ended up missing two other grabs doing the the same thing.


testflycarpin said...

Boy you arent kidding, they are tough. I have about a 12" to 14" Koi lined up on a local river. It has turned on the fly at least once every time I have stopped by but figures out something aint right at the last minute and balks every time. Need to try an indicator for a more natural drift maybe. Nice catch, very pretty colors.

David McKenzie said...

Hey McTage, This fish was odd..Had the head,fin and mouth structure of a Common or Koi..Most of the goldies have have caught real small delicate mouths. Carp in a clown suit..ha

Juan said...

You caught a goldfish? that's crazy! is it pretty common to catch goldfish? either way, nice catch!

Gregg said...

Those are tough! We have one pond in particular that has a good number, many large, in spite of fish and avian predators. After at least 3 tries a year for say 6 years I have hooked one, seen a 15lb. fish caught by a friend, and my son caught a large one. Pure disdain they exibit to me. Oddly grass carp and, especially, commons, follow them always.
