Monday, February 13, 2012

Carpin 2012

Things are happening. We got some much needed rain that will surely pull some fish to the flats. I saw some early season spawners yesterday and touched a Carp for the first time in several weeks. Then my buddy calls and says he put a 30+lb limit ( 5 fish) of Largemouth in the boat yesterday and screwed me all up. Carp might have to wait a little bit if the big girls are moving up...

Blooms baby!


testflycarpin said...

You gotta post this when CO is in the middle of an extended cold snap and the ice is getting thicker instead of thinner. Killin me!

David McKenzie said...

Dude, Denver is an easy flight! Wife enjoys a day spa in Monterey or Santa Cruz and you get some Carp therapy and back in time for a fresh crab dinner over looking the pacific. There, I planned your low cost mini vacation for you. Ha!

Carlos Rubio said...

Nice carp... Here, in Spain, is cold... -5ºC... so it is not possible to go fishing... We have to wait until march-april to try it.
Good fishing

Mark Kautz said...

Hey David. We got snow at 3200 feet yesterday so I don't think spring is here quite yet, at least in the mountains. Good to hear the Bass are moving around, though. I think I'm going to do some warm water this year.


Gregg said...

Crocuses blooming for a week in my yard, though things can change in an instant. Going with high hopes Friday if not sooner. Nice black and white if the carp. Long ago spent some time at Ft, Ord, if I only knew then what I know now...
