Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Big flies small fish..

Threw large 6-7" flies for lots of 16-20" fish. It was amusing watching them fight over the fly but i'm not sure it was worth the effort and sore shoulder. But, one fish can make the day so I stayed with it only making color and location changes that didn't seem to matter.  Not many boats out so I used the dock to tie up on and do boat maint. Got all the live wells & hatches cleaned and organized. Its amazing how much "stuff" just builds up in a boat over a year. It was also a good time to go over the trailer and fully inspect everything while the boats off.  I tow a ton of miles and trailers seem to get the most neglect, and it's the one thing that can really screw you over if left to rot away. Nothing worse than being stuck in the middle of nowhere for being lazy.  Fill up the truck and boat in California and you better be ready to pay way north of 200 bucks right now. Time to pull out the small CC skiff and 4 stroke! I was thinking of selling it but I might just hold off. Thas shit is out of control 4.29 a gal. I'll be in a float tube before to long. Seriously!

This boat burned 5 bucks in gas in the time it took to read this post.


WDSTK3 said...

Having been an OTR trucker for years, I can appreciate the need for preventive maintenance. Commonly overlooked items on a trailer are tire pressure, wheel bearing grease and adjustment, tightening of spring shackle bolts and other items attached to the frame, brake adjustment, lighting system, hitch, etc. I don't want a fishing or camping trip spoiled for something I failed to take a few minutes to do at home.

Mark Kautz said...

Not only the stuff in your boat, but in your truck too.


David Knapp said...

Man and I've been complaining about paying $3.40+ for gas here in Tennessee. Glad I have a car although I must say that boats like that make me wish I had a truck to tow...interesting post by the way about the big flies. Here in Tennessee I have caught more big stripers (big to me is 15-30 pounds) on flies that most people would consider small...no more than three inches. Are your baitfish all large?

David McKenzie said...

Hey David, yeah the bait fish are for the most part comprised of American Shad and Blackfish. Both large. The recent year class of shad are 5-8" right now. I've always wanted to fish Tenn. Maybe some day I'll make it out there. I've only driven through on 40 and it was pretty country.

Santi said...

Saludos cordiales desde España, David.