The morning started out shrowded with a heavy marin layer that broke about noon into a post card perfect day. Wind stayed down and I didn't head to the barn till 2:45.
I finally caught my first ling on a fly. A youngster of about 13in. Two casts later I set into a fish with some shoulders and this one becomes my second ling. A nice 29 in fish. Lots of fun on an 8wt. I caught both of them and a few other specie casting paralell to kelp beds with a 350gr shooting head. Grabs came from 10-12' of water over 20. Bait was thick all morning.
I also spent some time throwing big hammer swimbaits for Halibut. I missed one bite and caught a few other fish including 3 Vermillion. I only saw one halibut caught today. It was nice fish about 15lbs a skiff close to me landed on bait.
I might head back in the morning and hit the beach for stripers in the early am before the crowds wake up.

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